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Celebration of the victory day in Moscow 2005.
Russian lyrics
День Победы, как он был от нас далёк,
Как в костре потухшем таял уголёк.
Были версты, обгорелые, в пыли —
Этот день мы приближали как могли.
Этот День Победы
Порохом пропах,
Это праздник
С сединою на висках.
Это радость
Со слезами на глазах.
День Победы !
День Победы !
День Победы !
Дни и ночи у мартеновских печей
Не смыкала наша Родина очей.
Дни и ночи битву трудную вели —
Этот день мы приближали как могли.
Здравствуй, мама, возвратились мы не все...
Босиком бы пробежаться по росе !
Пол-Европы, прошагали, пол-Земли —
Этот день мы приближали как могли.
Dedicated to the best strategic bomber in the world. Don't post the comments,that B-1B is better.It'll be untruth
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The RPG-7 (Russian: РПГ-7) is a widely-produced, portable, shoulder-launched, anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade weapon. Originally the RPG-7 (Reaktivniy (Rocket) Protivotankovye (Anti-Tank) Granatamyot (Grenade Launcher) and its predecessor the RPG-2 were designed by the Soviet Union. The weapon has the GRAU index 6G3.
The ruggedness, simplicity, low cost, and effectiveness of the RPG-7 have made it the most widely used RPG in the world. Currently around 40 countries use the weapon, and it is manufactured in a number of variants by nine countries. It is also popular with irregular and guerrilla forces. Numerous recent conflicts with such forces have seen extensive use of the RPG-7, including the Battle of Mogadishu, War in Afghanistan, and Iraq War.
The most commonly seen major variations are the RPG-7D paratrooper model (able to be broken into two parts for easier carrying), and the lighter Chinese Type 69 RPG.
The RPG-7 was first delivered to the Soviet Army in 1961 and deployed at a squad level. It replaced the RPG-3, having clearly out-performed the intermediate RPG-4 design during testing. Its original design concept originated with two World War II era weapons: the American Bazooka and the German Panzerfaust. The current model produced by Russia is the RPG-7V2, capable of firing standard and dual high explosive anti-tank (HEAT) rounds, high explosive/fragmentation, and thermobaric warheads, with a UP-7V sighting device fitted (used in tandem with the standard optical sight) to allow the use of extended range ammunition. The RPG-7D3 is the equivalent paratrooper model. Both the RPG-7V2 and RPG-7D3 were adopted by the Russian Ground Forces in 2001.
http://53T6gazelle.wol.bz Космические войска России произвели испытательный пуск ракеты-перехватчика средней дальности с 35-й площадки полигона Сары-Шаган, сообщил начальник пресс-службы КВ подполковник Алексей Золотухин. По его словам, пуск проводился для подтверждения тактико-технических характеристик и продления сроков эксплуатации противоракет (ПР), находящихся на вооружении Космических войск РФ и входящих в состав системы противоракетной обороны (ПРО).
Он также сообщил, что за пуском наблюдал прибывший на полигон командующий Космическими войсками РФ генерал-полковник Владимир Поповкин и представители командования Космических войск, РВСН и промышленности.
Начиная с 1999 года пуски ПР 53Т6 проводятся ежегодно, главным образом с целью продления назначенного ресурса системы, в данное время оставляющего 12,5 лет.
Служба информация и общественных связей РВСН сообщила, что это уже 42-й пуск противоракеты данного типа с 1983 года. О поражении ракетой-перехватчиком какой-либо цели не сообщалось. Обычно подобные испытания считаются успешными, если автомат подрыва уничтожает ракету в заданной точке пространства. В таких случаях боевому расчету засчитывается условное поражение цели.
Как рассказал корреспонденту ВЗГЛЯД источник в ракетно-космической отрасли, с полигона была запущена противоракета типа 53Т6, входящая в состав комплекса ПРО А-135.
Перебежавший в 1980 году на Запад советник генерального секретаря ООН В. Шевченко утверждал, что эта система способна поражать цели с эффективностью 95%. В конце 1968 года группе специалистов под руководством А.Г. Басистова было поручено разработать концепцию построения новой системы ПРО столицы СССР.
В 1978 году началось строительство первых элементов ПРО Москвы второго поколения. К 1989 году новая двухэшелонная система ПРО была создана. Противоракеты системы А-135 способны перехватывать баллистические ракеты противника и их головные части, летящие на высотах от 5 км до ближнего космоса со скоростью до 6--7 км/с.
The AN-94 assault rifle had been officially adopted by the Russian Army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1994 as a possible replacement for the venerable Kalashnikov AK-74 series assault rifles. The AN index means "Avtomat Nikonova", or Nikonov Assault rifle. This rifle had been designed by the Gennady Nikonov, a Russian arms designer, at the IZHMASH state factories, during the late 1980s and early 1990s. This rifle, initially known as the ASN prototype, had been developed for and submitted to the Russian Army trial contest, held in the early 1990s. This contest, known under the code name "Abakan" (a small city in Russia), was intended to develop the more effective replacement for the AK-74 assault rifles. The ASN was tested among the many other prototypes and eventually won the trials, and was consequently adopted. At the present time the AN-94 is considered as the "professionals' choice", and is used in limited numbers by the elite forces of the Russian Army, police and Internal Affairs Ministry.
AEK971 is being developed at Kovrov Machinebuilding Plant (formerly known as Kovrov Machineguns Plant) by chief designer S.I.Koksharov.
Key feature of the AEK971 is gas driven, balanced action with rotating bolt barrel locking. Balancing mean that AEK971 gas drive has two gas chambers and two gas pistons. First gas piston is linked wia gas rod to the bolt carrier an moves as usual. Second gas piston is linked to the balancing msteel weight and moves in opposite (to main gas piston) direction. This design is implemented to eliminate 3 of 4 total impulces of the movement that affect rifle during the full-auto fire. 1st impulse rifle received when bullet moves along the barrel - this is recoil itself. Second impulse rifle received when heavy bolt carrier/bolt group moves along the receiver back and forth. Third impulse is received when bolt carrier/bolt group stops in the rear position and fourth - when this group stops in forward position after new cartridge is chambered. Synchronous and opposite movement of the balancing weight eliminates all except the recoil impulse, so rifle becomes far more stable during full-auto fire.
The gain of accuracy in full auto is whole 15-20%, when compared to AK-74 asault rifle in the same kaliber. The newly adopted by Russian army AN-94 assault rifle has slight edge over the AEK974 only in short burst (2 rounds only) mode. In full-auto medium or long bursrt fire mode (3-5 or 7-10 rounds per burst) AEK974 wins hands down, being also some 0.5kg lighter than AN-94, simplier and cheaper to manufacture.
At the present time AEK971 in both 5.45x39mm and 7.62x39mm chamberings is being tested by Russain army in some quantities (my sources said that at least one hundred of AEK971s in 7.62mm was aquired by Russian army for field testing).
AEK971 has folding metall buttsock with plastic coating (to protect shooter in extremely hot or cold conditions), plastic forearm and fire control grip, and uses standart AK-47 or AK-74 30rds magazines (depending on chamberings). It also features safety switch/fire mode selector of diferent appearance (when compared to Kalashnikow design). Fire selector allows 2 modes of fire - single shots semi-auto and full auto. At some 800-900 rounds per second it's not impossible to manually control lenght of the fire bursrts, and this weapon is more stable during the fire than ordinal design rifles, so 2 or 3 rounds mode is not implemented (at least, at this time).
On show at the Paris International weapons exhibition is the RPG-32 Grenade Launcher,"HASHIM".
The Russian made RPG is already on the Pentagons weapons to watch for list.
The weapon which is not in use yet has been designed by personal request of King of Jordan.
It is capable of penetrating tank armor up to 800mm thick and has a 72mm explosive charge at the tip.
The Grenade launcher is reputed to go into full production very soon at a firm in Jordan.
Russian weapons tend to be sold to Syria and Iran among others in this region. And with them being manufactured in Jordan, they will almost certainly be introduced into this region.
Sprut-SD. The only air-droppable & floatable tank in the world. (Exepting M113 in some mean)
Crew 3 -
Cross Country Speed 11 mps (22 kt) -
Height 3.6 m -
Length 7.2 m -
Main Gun Caliber 125 mm -
Main Gun Max Range 5,000 m (16,404 ft) -
Max Range 500 km (270 nm) -
Max Rate of Fire 7 rounds per minute -
Max Weight 18,000 kg (39,683 lb) -
Number of Weapons 40 -
Power 510 shp -
Top Speed 20 mps (38 kt) -
Width 3.2 m
Pronounced text translation:
The formidable Nona 120 mm air-dropped SPH is very liked by Russian brave paratroopers.
It's designed on the BTRD air-dropped floatable ATC basis.
The Russian designers have mastered to bring to Nona all the power of field Arty:
a gun, a howitzer, a mortar and even a rocket launch system...
However, Nona couldn't fill an important task: the anti-tank purpose.
The unique Nona abilities gave start to the whole family of 120 mm guns.
In addition, the Motovilikha corp. - a famous Grad, Uragan and Smerch MLRS manufacturer -|designed Vena 120 mm SPH.
It has BMP-3 chassis
Vena can fire standard Russian and foreign ammo
The light chassis for 125 mm tank MG was designed| by 'Volgograd tractors' corp.
The work on a light floatable tank they started before, But long time their prototypes remained without demand.
Now they've caught their chance...
Arkady Shabalin, the chief designer of 125 mm 'Sprut-SD' light tank: 'We were hurt by the lack of (Army) interest.
But we insisted to work on this vehicle, and it's liked (by Army) now...'
As a basis for future light tank/a-t SPG |the BMD-3 air-dropped IFC was chosen.
'Sprut-SD' was designed considering| the ability of the contemporary transport aviation.
The Il-76 planes could take as twice as more cargo then the previously models.
'We are used the possibility to increase the mass up to 18 metric tons.
The 7-rolls chassis instead of 5-roll of BMD-3 was used.
It can be called 'self-propelled anti-tank cannon'| or 'light air-dropped floatable tank' as well"
'Sprut-SD' has backward engine position
Its ammo consists 4 type of rounds, autoloader, |case extractor, FCS and 3-member crew.
Indeed, it's all the same as a tank excepting lighter armor...
The main enigma is combination of a powerful tank gun with so light chassis.
The one of the success key factors is its hydro-pneumatic suspension.
It allows the tracks tension and clearance.
It also damps recoil.
This innovative design was completed with a rather comfortable, ergonomic vehicle.
Unlike its main Western competitor (CV90-120), the new Russian light tank proved its excellent sail capability. Even in the troubled water, 'Sprut-SD' hit the coastal targets very well.
The new light tank has entered the Russian military service in 2005.
Nikolay Klochkov, the anti-tank art. Commander, 107 Guardian Airborne division: 'We had only a-t missiles before. Now we can struggle the tanks by their own weapon..."
Now the NATO military block has 3rd gen. tanks. 'Abrams', 'Leo-2', 'Challenger' and 'Leclerk'.
It's was broad spread opinion before, that due to their superb armor, sensor and FCS they are invincible in a duel situation. However, the 125 mm 'Sprut-SD' MG can take on them very well.
So, 'Sprut-SD' can destroy all kinds of modern tanks. With its ability to hit tanks from 5 kilometers distance, and its maneuverability, transportability and low observability 'Sprut-SD' is going to change the modern battlefield.
Now the Russian light paratroopers can destroy the enemy tanks from secure distance.
New vehicle can fight in different climatic conditions, day and night.
Valery Yevtukhovich, the Commander of Russian Airborne forces: 'Sprut-SD' is universal system. Its powerful gun allows it to destroy effectively the broad spectrum of enemy targets".
When it fires the sensors and FSC react to the changed conditions of fire, target, atmosphere, barrel bending.
The installed computer gives for gunner the possibility to change the aiming from target to target very quickly.
Michel Farhuddinov, the 'Sprut-SD' gunner: "It's even better to fire during the moving,
thus the recoil is little felt.
With this stabilization system there is no problem in fire on move".
This vehicle can be transported by ships or
airdropped from the transport plane with its crew inside.
In 2 minutes after the landing, it's ready for fight.
When the era of nuclear weapon started then it was a lot of doubts in future anti-tank weapon expedience. Nevertheless, during last tens years the usually anti-tank weapons didn't lose its importance.
However, the totally innovative was only one system -- 'Sprut-SD'. It's designed especially for XXI century Blitzkrieg.
n 1996 the Russian Motovilikha Plants Corporation fielded the latest of its Nona family, the 2S31 Vena, an automated self propelled mortar, with a longer barrel, (Russian 120mm 2A80) also firing the Gran laser-guided bomb against point targets to 13km range.
AMOS II mobile mortar system.
The known version was mounted on a BMP-3 chassis and has 70 rounds on board storage ( about twice as much as the former).
СССР получил ракету, с которой не могла сравниться ни одна американская. Тогда в секретных документах её звали "Воеводой", это потом она стала "Сатаной". Ракета SS-18 относится к 4-ому поколению межконтинентальных баллистических ракет. Она может лететь на расстояние свыше 11 тыс. км. и нести в себе до 10 разделяющихся боеголовок общим весом свыше 8 тонн.
В клипе показана транспортировка, старт ракеты из шахтной пусковой установки и сама ШПУ, рассказывается о возможностях этого мощнейшего оружия.
Вот это да! Какая мощь скрыта в этих ракетах! Супер просто! Красивые сьемки!
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